I am an Emergia Fellow (Junta de Andalucía) at Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Granada (Spain) and PI of the Project ARPA ("Computational Analysis of exchange networks in Andalusian Late Prehistory") and the ANDALUSIL project ("Procurement strategies and production processes of sillimanite polished tools during the Late Prehistory of Andalusia").
My research interests deal with the study of polished and knapped lithic industries. Furthermore, I am also interested on the analysis of long distance networks during Late Prehistory and on prehistoric open-air rock art.
PhD in Prehistory, 2010
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
MA in Archaeology, 2006
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
BA in History, 2002
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Aplicación móvil para la gestión del turismo patrimonial de la Sierra del Barbanza (A Coruña).
A simple Shiny and Leaflet web app of Galician prehistoric rock art.
Análisis computacional de las Redes de intercambio en la Prehistoria Reciente Andaluza